aturchatur Email:-
False #MeToo Complaint must be broken down even before a false #MeToo victim goes to police for FIR or files a false court case. This urgency in breaking a false #MeToo Complaint is important but instead of that the harassed men are being misguided & demoralized by unscrupulous l@wyers (by saying these things to false #MeToo Victim men) as follows:-
(a) Do NOT worry about false #MeToo Complaint, YOU WILL EASILY GET ANTICIPATORY BAIL [✘]
(b) Shift the false #MeToo Complaint from Police Station to Court SO THAT POLICE DOES NOT HARASS YOU [✘]
(c) Your ex or ex-colleague/ co-worker etc filed #MeToo Complaint from another Jurisdiction SO YOU DO NOT GO TO COURT OR POLICE [✘]
(d) Since you are a Celebrity or a High Profile person and therefore false #MeToo victim or media has sent you email SO YOU MUST SEND AN EMAIL REPLY TO #FakeMeToo woman/ girl [✘]
(e) Since you are a NRI or High Profile or Celebrity hence YOU MUST APPLY FOR STAY IN HIGH COURT [✘]
(f) Since your #FakeMeToo victim has put a false case on you and is defaming you and your family by naming and shaming you, YOU MUST APPLY FOR QUASH AGAINST #FAKEMETOO OR FILE A CRIMINAL OR CIVIL DEFAMATION [✘]
(a) why to apply for BAIL (A.B.) and prove yourself as culprit when you have NOT done anything wrong [✔]
(a) Mini-Trial is the right of a man/ celebrity/ high profile person if he has un-rebuttable evidences i.e., evidences which clearly show that he is innocent. Atur Chatur uses the recent Supreme Court Judgment for Mini Trial but some unethical lawyers/ advocates & their Commission Agents may be spread over the internet who may pose themselves as MRA (men rights activist) and they may misguide the #FakeMeToo victims in believing that mini-trial is not allowed under the law. This type of suggestion by any lawyer or advocate or mra is a wrong suggestion hence #FakeMeToo victims must understand that even the Supreme Court permits mini-trial and further, along with this Supreme Court Judgment, we may also invoke the Human Rights of the #FakeMeToo accused man or accused in FIR and this makes is a very strong case for the victim man in a fake metoo complaint or for an accused in #FakeMeToo FIR, because as per the human rights, a false case may not be put to trial if such false complaint is not triable based on the unrebuttable evidences of the man victim of harassment by disgruntled girl/ woman and therefore putting any such matter into trial is the violation of human rights of the #Fake Me Too or other accused. It is pertinent to mention here that, asking an accused to stand in such trial would be an abuse of the process of the court because laws for women were made only to protect the real victims and not to be used as a tool of legal extortion by disgruntled ex-wives, ex-girfriends, ex-livein partner woman or ex-coworker etc as per Hon'ble Supreme Court of India and here comes into picture a N.O.D. i.e., a No Offence Declaration but even the #FakeMeToo movement is so strong that even such N.O.D may be broken down using the DISORIENT tool which acts as a prescursor and deciding tool in breaking such laws and helping the #FakeMeToo victim with full force. All relevant recent Supreme Court Judgments may be included in the LTR (lego-technical representation) prepared by aturchatur to make it a very strong case for the #FakeMeToo victim in such a way that the victim man may on one hand be able to invoke his rights to equality and on the other hand it may help is assisting such victim man in closing a false MeToo complaint thereby learning the basics of #MeToo may not suffice in understanding "How to close a false #MeToo Complaint" against a man victim, so dear celebrity or high profile or other victim of this #Fake Naming and Shaming under the garb of #MeToo vis-a-vis #FakeMeToo, you need to stand up against this #Fake Me Too because this #FakeMeToo is nothing but the end of inequality and injustice against men in India (& probably the world too, I mean #YouToo vis-a-vis Lego-Technical Representation {hereinafter LTR for brevity}), so, you must stand up and do not apply for anticipatory bail otherwise #MeToo accused may be bind with conditions in anticipatory bail and remember that when the matter may be closed legally or technically within the #MeToo related CAW Cell or #FakeMeToo related Crime Againt Woman Cell or Police Station FIR itself then one should not bind himself with conditions in anticipatory bail. [✔]
(b) why to shift the #FakeMeToo or #MeToo based CAW Cell complaint to court when the false Crime against women Cell Complaint vis-a-vis #FakeMeToo may be closed at the CAW Cell or before the stage of FIR [✔]
(c) why to APPROACH HIGH COURT when a false #MeToo complaint may be closed at Social Networking Site itself using the tag #YouToo presented by aturchatur or within #Fakke Me Too based CAW Cell Level itself or may be closed at Police Station Level itself or may be closed at Lower Court or District Court Level itself. [✔]
(d) why to waste your years in false FIR and may be running like a Proclaimed Offender at later stages (in case #FakeMeToo victim uses unethical lawyers or corruption) when a false #MeToo complaint may be closed at SOCIAL MARKETING SITES vis-a-vis NAMING AND SHAMING ORIGINATOR SITE or CAW Cell Level itself or may be closed at Police Station Level itself or may be closed at Lower Court or District Court Level itself. [✔]
(e) why not protect yourself from arrest using below mentioned Lego-Technical Representation in case the #FakeMeToo Complaint vis-a-vis CAW Cell Complaint by Fake Me Too victim lady/ girl is found to be using Immediate Arrest Sections like 307, 313, 376, 377 [✔]
(f) why not invoke Supreme Court of India Judgments using below mentioned Lego-Technical Representation in case the #FakeMeToo vis-a-vis #Fake CAW Cell Complaint is found to be pushed using corruption [✔]
(g) why not counter attack on your fake #MeToo blaming lady's false #MeToo/ CAW/ Police Complaints even before reading the exact #FakeMeToo or CAW Cell Complaint (or after reading those unofficially) in such a manner that your counter attack looks like a fresh/ first petition instead of looking like an after thought or looking like a counter attack for wrecking vengeance [✔]
(h) why to come to India & why to quit the job to fight a false #MeToo case when you may fight a false #MeToo case without coming to India [✔]
(i) why to use a lawyer when a false #metoo complaint or false court case related to #MeToo may be closed yourself without using a lawyer and without going to Media or CAW Cell or without going to Court or without going to Police and without using any POA (Power of Attorney) or without coming to India or without going to different state/ city at least in the initial stages &/or for a considerable period of time (legally or technically) using CrPC provisions or using SUPREME COURT OF INDIA JUDGMENTS. [✔]
So, [✘] Do NOT use any lawyer or advocate [✘]
in this fight against false #MeToo criminal cases vis-a-vis #FakeMeToo (or false Police Complaints in India or abroad related to misuse of #MeToo movement by disgruntled woman to settle scores or gain publicity or other oblique motives and illegal designs by any such #Fake Me Too victim (fake victim lady/ girl/ woman or someone else)) by ex-girlfriend, ex-coworker or anyone else or by those women who try to trap their ex-boyfriend/s or ex-neighbour/s or landlord or ex-husband or ex-husband's relatives in false #MeToo complaints including false 376 IPC (false Rape charges) or false 377 IPC (false Unnatural Sex) or false 313 IPC (false Abortion or false Female Foeticide) or false 307 IPC (false Attempt to Murder using false MLC/MLR from Govt Hospital or forged Medical Documents or fake and fabricated Photographs) against men or against young boys/ colleagues or classmates or husband or husband's relatives or women relatives of these men or boys or false POCSO or #FakePOCSO vis-a-vis #FakeMeToo with POCSO provisions invoked retrospectively, in order to pressurize these boys/men to marry her or to extort money illegally from Men or Boys or Husbands and their families or just to simply harass any of the above by naming and shaming them on social media or by filing false #MeToo based Police Complaints by disgruntled wives or other woman. [✔]
NOTE:- Such type of Lego-Technical Representation using above provisions may help protect anyone from false cases and abuse by any fake #MeToo or any woman like:- abuse (galiyan) or defamation on social media by ex-girl or women, threat by any woman, young boy trapped by girlfriend, false POCSO filed by a minor girl against boyfriend or against married man or against any man on instigation by her relatives, when #MeToo files complaint after years or decades, when such #FakeMeToo runs away with boyfriend without #FakeMeToo victim man's consent and later on comes back to extort money from him using #FakeMeToo Naming and Shaming which is nothing but Blackmailing, when such fake Me Too girl/ lady/ woman is about to go to FIR or MEDIA or CAW Cell, when such fake me too files a false #MeToo police complaint or #FakeMeToo CAW Cell complaint then aturchatur's #YouToo vis-a-vis LTR may be the best possible response to such disgruntled women as per the best of the knowledge of aturchatur, when #FakeMeToo abuses even the relatives of #MeToo man like informing family members thereby naming and shaming them before their family, friends or relatives then, this squarely attracts the provisions of both civil defamation as well as criminal defamation or similarly, if fake me too asks victim man to separate from his parents or do suicide or using #FakeMeToo abets him to commit suicide, when high profile/ celebrity is harassed or shouted at within #Fake Me Too based CAW Cell in front of/ by the Crime Against Women Cell staff, when Police or IO asks for bribe from Fake Me Too victim man to close a false #MeToo complaint or a #FakeMeToo based CAW or Police Complaint or a false 107/ 151 complaint by any such lady or by any other woman, when false #MeToo FIR is filed then #YouToo vis-a-vis LTR by aturchatur may be the right approach, when false #MeToo FIR turns into false #MeToo Charge Sheet {hereinafter CS for brevity} where that false #MeToo CS is simply a copy paste of fake #MeToo FIR i.e., without any fair or unbiased investigation, and thereby when CS is necessary to be returned due to lacunaes or due to false or shoddy investigation in naming and shaming of celebrities vis-a-vis #FakeMeToo movement by disgruntled ex's related in any way to a high profile/ celebrity in the past then #YouToo vis-a-vis LTR may be the right strategy, similarly, when CBI investigation is required in a false #MeToo case, when the false complaint relates to CB-CID, when false crpc 125 for maintenance is filed by such #MeToo, when false section 23 DV Act for maintenance is filed by such #FkeMeToo, when false me too is filed, when false Civil cases like sec-10 Special Marriages Act or sec-13 Dissolution of Marriage under HMA or sec-9 RCR (Restitution of Conjugal Rights) or sec-24 HMA for Maintenance is filed or such #FakeMeToo also files criminal defamation or damages recovery suit or compensation is demanded from #FakeMeToo victim man with supporting false affidavit (Sworn Affidavit) to provide material financial loss or other material loss to such celebrity or high profile person or boyfriend or any married man, when 420 IPC is committed by such #MeToo false FIR, when Fake Me Too girl's family has a criminal background, when #FakeMeToo Girl or that false case filing woman has family history of other woman who filed similar false cases on other men or boys, prostitute blackmailing problems, live-in partner filing false domestic violence complaint against ex-colleague or friend, when consensual sex is shown to appear as forced sex falsely by any women or by a transgender (lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender), when second marriage of the false #MeToo girl is hided by her or she agrees to give her child from first marriage to her parents or relatives just to obtain the consent of the new prospective husband vis-a-vis victim man of such #Fake Me Too, and that too by falsely alleging without any intention in respect thereof including abuses, threats and other wrongs by such women, when it is second marriage for both boy & girl and the girl after many years or decades threatens to file false case or files cases against the that could be husband in the garb of fake #MeToo Movement using her past experience, when ex-wife or such false MeToo filing woman occupies the property of NRI or Celebrity or his relatives forcefully and files false #MeToo cases as a shield to capture such property or to silent the NRI victim man or his relatives, when previous husband of a widow died of mysterious circumstances and the new husband or new victim of false cases by such women gets evidences from parents of past husbands about the modus operandi used by such disgruntled woman or any other form of Legal Terrorism of any type whatsoever including after thoughts.
Best Wishes & Happy Fighting false cases & SOCIAL STIGMA on u & family!!!
Terms & Conditions & Disclaimer at and also at applies to this above page & also to the above site http://www.SocialStigma.IN in entirety.
ATUR CHATURLTR vis-a-vis #YouToo i.e., How to fight | close false #MeToo

(a) Do NOT worry about false #MeToo Complaint, YOU WILL EASILY GET ANTICIPATORY BAIL [✘]
(b) Shift the false #MeToo Complaint from Police Station to Court SO THAT POLICE DOES NOT HARASS YOU [✘]
(c) Your ex or ex-colleague/ co-worker etc filed #MeToo Complaint from another Jurisdiction SO YOU DO NOT GO TO COURT OR POLICE [✘]
(d) Since you are a Celebrity or a High Profile person and therefore false #MeToo victim or media has sent you email SO YOU MUST SEND AN EMAIL REPLY TO #FakeMeToo woman/ girl [✘]
(e) Since you are a NRI or High Profile or Celebrity hence YOU MUST APPLY FOR STAY IN HIGH COURT [✘]
(f) Since your #FakeMeToo victim has put a false case on you and is defaming you and your family by naming and shaming you, YOU MUST APPLY FOR QUASH AGAINST #FAKEMETOO OR FILE A CRIMINAL OR CIVIL DEFAMATION [✘]
As per Atur Chatur,
CORRECT (GOOD) SUGGESTIONS [✔](a) why to apply for BAIL (A.B.) and prove yourself as culprit when you have NOT done anything wrong [✔]
(a) Mini-Trial is the right of a man/ celebrity/ high profile person if he has un-rebuttable evidences i.e., evidences which clearly show that he is innocent. Atur Chatur uses the recent Supreme Court Judgment for Mini Trial but some unethical lawyers/ advocates & their Commission Agents may be spread over the internet who may pose themselves as MRA (men rights activist) and they may misguide the #FakeMeToo victims in believing that mini-trial is not allowed under the law. This type of suggestion by any lawyer or advocate or mra is a wrong suggestion hence #FakeMeToo victims must understand that even the Supreme Court permits mini-trial and further, along with this Supreme Court Judgment, we may also invoke the Human Rights of the #FakeMeToo accused man or accused in FIR and this makes is a very strong case for the victim man in a fake metoo complaint or for an accused in #FakeMeToo FIR, because as per the human rights, a false case may not be put to trial if such false complaint is not triable based on the unrebuttable evidences of the man victim of harassment by disgruntled girl/ woman and therefore putting any such matter into trial is the violation of human rights of the #Fake Me Too or other accused. It is pertinent to mention here that, asking an accused to stand in such trial would be an abuse of the process of the court because laws for women were made only to protect the real victims and not to be used as a tool of legal extortion by disgruntled ex-wives, ex-girfriends, ex-livein partner woman or ex-coworker etc as per Hon'ble Supreme Court of India and here comes into picture a N.O.D. i.e., a No Offence Declaration but even the #FakeMeToo movement is so strong that even such N.O.D may be broken down using the DISORIENT tool which acts as a prescursor and deciding tool in breaking such laws and helping the #FakeMeToo victim with full force. All relevant recent Supreme Court Judgments may be included in the LTR (lego-technical representation) prepared by aturchatur to make it a very strong case for the #FakeMeToo victim in such a way that the victim man may on one hand be able to invoke his rights to equality and on the other hand it may help is assisting such victim man in closing a false MeToo complaint thereby learning the basics of #MeToo may not suffice in understanding "How to close a false #MeToo Complaint" against a man victim, so dear celebrity or high profile or other victim of this #Fake Naming and Shaming under the garb of #MeToo vis-a-vis #FakeMeToo, you need to stand up against this #Fake Me Too because this #FakeMeToo is nothing but the end of inequality and injustice against men in India (& probably the world too, I mean #YouToo vis-a-vis Lego-Technical Representation {hereinafter LTR for brevity}), so, you must stand up and do not apply for anticipatory bail otherwise #MeToo accused may be bind with conditions in anticipatory bail and remember that when the matter may be closed legally or technically within the #MeToo related CAW Cell or #FakeMeToo related Crime Againt Woman Cell or Police Station FIR itself then one should not bind himself with conditions in anticipatory bail. [✔]
(b) why to shift the #FakeMeToo or #MeToo based CAW Cell complaint to court when the false Crime against women Cell Complaint vis-a-vis #FakeMeToo may be closed at the CAW Cell or before the stage of FIR [✔]
(c) why to APPROACH HIGH COURT when a false #MeToo complaint may be closed at Social Networking Site itself using the tag #YouToo presented by aturchatur or within #Fakke Me Too based CAW Cell Level itself or may be closed at Police Station Level itself or may be closed at Lower Court or District Court Level itself. [✔]
(d) why to waste your years in false FIR and may be running like a Proclaimed Offender at later stages (in case #FakeMeToo victim uses unethical lawyers or corruption) when a false #MeToo complaint may be closed at SOCIAL MARKETING SITES vis-a-vis NAMING AND SHAMING ORIGINATOR SITE or CAW Cell Level itself or may be closed at Police Station Level itself or may be closed at Lower Court or District Court Level itself. [✔]
(e) why not protect yourself from arrest using below mentioned Lego-Technical Representation in case the #FakeMeToo Complaint vis-a-vis CAW Cell Complaint by Fake Me Too victim lady/ girl is found to be using Immediate Arrest Sections like 307, 313, 376, 377 [✔]
(f) why not invoke Supreme Court of India Judgments using below mentioned Lego-Technical Representation in case the #FakeMeToo vis-a-vis #Fake CAW Cell Complaint is found to be pushed using corruption [✔]
(g) why not counter attack on your fake #MeToo blaming lady's false #MeToo/ CAW/ Police Complaints even before reading the exact #FakeMeToo or CAW Cell Complaint (or after reading those unofficially) in such a manner that your counter attack looks like a fresh/ first petition instead of looking like an after thought or looking like a counter attack for wrecking vengeance [✔]
(h) why to come to India & why to quit the job to fight a false #MeToo case when you may fight a false #MeToo case without coming to India [✔]
(i) why to use a lawyer when a false #metoo complaint or false court case related to #MeToo may be closed yourself without using a lawyer and without going to Media or CAW Cell or without going to Court or without going to Police and without using any POA (Power of Attorney) or without coming to India or without going to different state/ city at least in the initial stages &/or for a considerable period of time (legally or technically) using CrPC provisions or using SUPREME COURT OF INDIA JUDGMENTS. [✔]
So, [✘] Do NOT use any lawyer or advocate [✘]
in this fight against false #MeToo criminal cases vis-a-vis #FakeMeToo (or false Police Complaints in India or abroad related to misuse of #MeToo movement by disgruntled woman to settle scores or gain publicity or other oblique motives and illegal designs by any such #Fake Me Too victim (fake victim lady/ girl/ woman or someone else)) by ex-girlfriend, ex-coworker or anyone else or by those women who try to trap their ex-boyfriend/s or ex-neighbour/s or landlord or ex-husband or ex-husband's relatives in false #MeToo complaints including false 376 IPC (false Rape charges) or false 377 IPC (false Unnatural Sex) or false 313 IPC (false Abortion or false Female Foeticide) or false 307 IPC (false Attempt to Murder using false MLC/MLR from Govt Hospital or forged Medical Documents or fake and fabricated Photographs) against men or against young boys/ colleagues or classmates or husband or husband's relatives or women relatives of these men or boys or false POCSO or #FakePOCSO vis-a-vis #FakeMeToo with POCSO provisions invoked retrospectively, in order to pressurize these boys/men to marry her or to extort money illegally from Men or Boys or Husbands and their families or just to simply harass any of the above by naming and shaming them on social media or by filing false #MeToo based Police Complaints by disgruntled wives or other woman. [✔]
Lego-Technical Representation
Harassed Celebrity/ High Pofile/ Social Media Active Men trapped in (false MeToo) in CAW CELL complaint or in a #FakeMeToo Complaint is suggested to get prepared a Lego-Technical Representation by aturchatur and this Lego-Technical Representation should be prepared even before the victim man could read exact wordings of any such fake #MeToo Complaint at the Police Station or at the CAW CELL and this Lego-Technical Representation must be filed without any lawyer and without coming to India and without quitting your job/ post held by you. In this regard, it is pertinent to mention here that, there are certain provisions under criminal procedure code which should be personally DONE by victim man and NOT through advocate. And therefore, if you are a Indian resident victim or a NRI (non-resident Indian) victim man whose #FakeMeToo ex-lady has filed Complaint in Crime Against Women Cell or is Naming and Shaming you on Social Media then you need to use these CrPC provisions (for which an Advocate is NOT allowed as per law r/w Criminal Procedure Code) to close false #MeToo or to close a fake Me Too based CAW CELL or false / #FakeMeToo based POLICE COMPLAINT / FIR BY SUCH LADY for which you may order aturchatur to immediately start preparing your case related Lego-Technical Representation which includes all the legal or technical points as per the evidences and rebuttals you have against that fake MeToo survicor's falsity or wrongs.
[Fees = Rs. 29,999/- only]
NOTE:- Such type of Lego-Technical Representation using above provisions may help protect anyone from false cases and abuse by any fake #MeToo or any woman like:- abuse (galiyan) or defamation on social media by ex-girl or women, threat by any woman, young boy trapped by girlfriend, false POCSO filed by a minor girl against boyfriend or against married man or against any man on instigation by her relatives, when #MeToo files complaint after years or decades, when such #FakeMeToo runs away with boyfriend without #FakeMeToo victim man's consent and later on comes back to extort money from him using #FakeMeToo Naming and Shaming which is nothing but Blackmailing, when such fake Me Too girl/ lady/ woman is about to go to FIR or MEDIA or CAW Cell, when such fake me too files a false #MeToo police complaint or #FakeMeToo CAW Cell complaint then aturchatur's #YouToo vis-a-vis LTR may be the best possible response to such disgruntled women as per the best of the knowledge of aturchatur, when #FakeMeToo abuses even the relatives of #MeToo man like informing family members thereby naming and shaming them before their family, friends or relatives then, this squarely attracts the provisions of both civil defamation as well as criminal defamation or similarly, if fake me too asks victim man to separate from his parents or do suicide or using #FakeMeToo abets him to commit suicide, when high profile/ celebrity is harassed or shouted at within #Fake Me Too based CAW Cell in front of/ by the Crime Against Women Cell staff, when Police or IO asks for bribe from Fake Me Too victim man to close a false #MeToo complaint or a #FakeMeToo based CAW or Police Complaint or a false 107/ 151 complaint by any such lady or by any other woman, when false #MeToo FIR is filed then #YouToo vis-a-vis LTR by aturchatur may be the right approach, when false #MeToo FIR turns into false #MeToo Charge Sheet {hereinafter CS for brevity} where that false #MeToo CS is simply a copy paste of fake #MeToo FIR i.e., without any fair or unbiased investigation, and thereby when CS is necessary to be returned due to lacunaes or due to false or shoddy investigation in naming and shaming of celebrities vis-a-vis #FakeMeToo movement by disgruntled ex's related in any way to a high profile/ celebrity in the past then #YouToo vis-a-vis LTR may be the right strategy, similarly, when CBI investigation is required in a false #MeToo case, when the false complaint relates to CB-CID, when false crpc 125 for maintenance is filed by such #MeToo, when false section 23 DV Act for maintenance is filed by such #FkeMeToo, when false me too is filed, when false Civil cases like sec-10 Special Marriages Act or sec-13 Dissolution of Marriage under HMA or sec-9 RCR (Restitution of Conjugal Rights) or sec-24 HMA for Maintenance is filed or such #FakeMeToo also files criminal defamation or damages recovery suit or compensation is demanded from #FakeMeToo victim man with supporting false affidavit (Sworn Affidavit) to provide material financial loss or other material loss to such celebrity or high profile person or boyfriend or any married man, when 420 IPC is committed by such #MeToo false FIR, when Fake Me Too girl's family has a criminal background, when #FakeMeToo Girl or that false case filing woman has family history of other woman who filed similar false cases on other men or boys, prostitute blackmailing problems, live-in partner filing false domestic violence complaint against ex-colleague or friend, when consensual sex is shown to appear as forced sex falsely by any women or by a transgender (lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender), when second marriage of the false #MeToo girl is hided by her or she agrees to give her child from first marriage to her parents or relatives just to obtain the consent of the new prospective husband vis-a-vis victim man of such #Fake Me Too, and that too by falsely alleging without any intention in respect thereof including abuses, threats and other wrongs by such women, when it is second marriage for both boy & girl and the girl after many years or decades threatens to file false case or files cases against the that could be husband in the garb of fake #MeToo Movement using her past experience, when ex-wife or such false MeToo filing woman occupies the property of NRI or Celebrity or his relatives forcefully and files false #MeToo cases as a shield to capture such property or to silent the NRI victim man or his relatives, when previous husband of a widow died of mysterious circumstances and the new husband or new victim of false cases by such women gets evidences from parents of past husbands about the modus operandi used by such disgruntled woman or any other form of Legal Terrorism of any type whatsoever including after thoughts.
Best Wishes & Happy Fighting false cases & SOCIAL STIGMA on u & family!!!
Terms & Conditions & Disclaimer at and also at applies to this above page & also to the above site http://www.SocialStigma.IN in entirety.
Hope the above steps i.e., #YouToo vis-a-vis LTR i.e., the most suitable or optimum strategy to protect yourself from false #MeToo are clear.
And further, if you want to read more about a #YouToo vis-a-vis LTR or you have few queries regarding this LTR then you may please check the site http://www.socialstigma.IN or simply go to the below deeplink and read about what a LTR is and how it may help victim men trapped in #FakeMeToo and how #YouToo vis-a-vis LTR may help you.
Comment please!!